воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

basado en hechos reales

I just found out that one of the assignment dah lari topic. Actually both but then weapos;re running out of time so yeah, hopefully i manage to finish everything by tuesday. Sighhh

iapos;ve been really busy

letapos;s start with thursday.
i did not have class and headed to pj with amy, dyana, and izzat. Then, izzat had an interview so we stayed in the car about an hr plus and played cho tai tee. Lol.

on friday.
went to class and got my mid term result. I scored 27 out of 30 for my mid term so now my carry marks is 35/40. alhamdulillah. photography class was okay. We managed to use the studio to take pictures. After class, headed to darus. Later at night, i decided to sleep early since i have to wake up early the next day. I couldnt sleep and i complained to ind about it. He told me that heapos;s coming back on saturday and i was so excited and i managed to sleep. Heee

on saturday.
woke up early, i think it was around 7. Was supposed to wake pandu up but i forgot. Tried to call amy and of course, she didnt pick it up. Reached college at 8 am and tried calling amy over and over again still tak jawab luckily jeffy made it in time. He was about to kena tinggal. Lol. This one guy, who was actually crossing the road rushing to get on the bus kena tinggal okay ? pfft sumpah kesian. Left segi around 8.45 am and made a stop at the seremban RR. Had breakfast and yadaa yadaa, reached pd around 10.45. It was raining and i kept singing, "i can see can see clearly now, the rain is gone, itrsquo;s gonna be a bright, sun-shiny day." 15 mins after that, dah tak hujan and it was so bright and hot lol. Lingered around the beach, snapped pictures, kacau orang. Amy and izzat later came. Luckily they came okay? ahaha. Theeen, had lunch and spent abt an hr playing tai tee. Lol. I wanted to mandi laut but then i did not bring extra clothes, wanted to sunbathing but theeeen nanti pelik because i was wearing sleeveless and shorts so mcm, thatapos;s a no no. Snapped more pictures and i was dead bored wanted to play jet-ski, of course i dont have money so i sunbathed hahaha. My skin color is so not even it was freaking hot okay. I sunbathed two times. Haha. Okay, im too lazy to elaborate more. Bus left at 3 pm sharp and i went back with amy and izzat. Amy wanted this guy to sketch her face and i was so gatal tangan, asked them to sketch my face as well but i only wanted to pay rm 10 and the result was not really satisfying. I looked fat hahaha. Left pd around 3.30 pm, took the wrong way and we ended up using the old road. Memang bapak jauh. Reached klang, dropped izzat off and headed to amyapos;s place to get some stuff. Then ind called, asked me if i wanted to go to nabiyaapos;s house and we agreed. After amyapos;s place, headed to nabiyaapos;s place with amy to eat. Hihi. Ind was sick, sian dia. =( left nabiyaapos;s place around 10.30 pm and headed home. Amy slept over. Theeeeen ind called me and said he started vomitting and demam panas and all. I was dead worried. Reached home, started to do our assignments because amyapos;s computer crashed and she forgot to put it in her thumbdrive so byebye assignment, she had to redo it. We planned not to sleep since the next day we have to be in pj at 6.30 am but we ended up sleeping anyway. Slept at 3.30 am and woke up at 6 am, oopsie haha. I kept snoozing my alarm and my oh my, susah gila nak kejutkan amy. =P

went to pick sham up and reached pj at 7.30 am. Was so surprised to see quite a number of people participated. Lol. And we started walking around 8 am i think. We had to walk 4.5 km okay and we did it the three of us did it without stopping lol. Im proud of myself and im proud of them, especially amy hahaha. The whole walk ended around 9 am and lingered around. Took pictures and yadaa yadaa. Headed back to subang and then the traffic at federal highway was massive. Rupanya, lori sampah terbalik. Kesian gila okay ? i mean like, i pity that pak cik so muchhhhhhhh we actually got out of the car and went to the tempat accident and snapped pictures. That pak cik looked so traumatized. Nothing happened to him though but then he was in trauma. So amy asked him if he was okay but i dont think he could hear us or maybe he was just TOO TRAUMATIZED. Kesian gila okaaay. =( went to darus for breakfast and got back home and pengsaaaaaan till 3 pm. Lol. Woke up, had lunch with amy and amy left awhile ago. Indapos;s condition was getting worst. I was so freaking worried and i suspected denggi so i asked him to go and see the doctor. The doctor said it was viral infection. Hmm. Get well soon sayang. :(

okay, got to run. I need to redo my assignment as well. Bah


basado en hechos reales, basado en enfoque procesos, basado en, basado casos en razonamiento.

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