воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

cost of medicare part b

Well that was a good weekends scran.� finally cleared out my 2 of my grandfathers work shops (still the garage, caravan and another 2 sheds to go)and the units and stuff from his house.� the garage is now full of� wall units and cabinets for storage. Now we can fill them with all the cogs, gears, gauges and metal goodies we took to make our steampunk stuff.
decided it was time for a change after my breakdown so my full name is now Consul Demonika Smidgely and i am working on the rest of my steam punk persona.� demonika appeared about 10 years ago after my first breakdown and everyso often she decides to change. Change is as good as a rest as my old gran used to say :-)
off to hunt for nerf guns n stuff to customise and sell, might as well try and make some money to keep the wolves, bears and jehovas from the door......

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bareback escort female

So last night we left the house around midnight and started bar hopping, met up with more ISA people and one of meganapos;s friends studying in madrid. We eventually ended up at bestiario which was so crowded that 4 of us left. And ran into 4 extremely good looking boys. Who wanted to take us to a bar near the cathedral. But after the cathedral we go down a sketch alley (this seems to be normal around here) and into what looks like the entry to an apartment complex. Great. Whatever. This seems to happen every few days and its no big deal. Free liquor

so when we go through the gates my guy says apos;this is an example of 15th century arab architectureapos; and iapos;m thinking apos;okay, sure. Whatever you say.

then when they close the gates behind us. I get a little weirded out.

then i hear music. We walk into a bar. A private bar.

these guys are friends/cousins and live in a fucking 15th century arab palace a block from the cathedral.
omg. Anyhoo, one girls disappeared almost instantly *cough* and the other 6 of us drank the night away, before taking a cab home around 7 am. I think theyapos;re heirs to some sort of bullfighting fortune. The house is literally covered in original artworks and artifacts.

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basado en hechos reales

I just found out that one of the assignment dah lari topic. Actually both but then weapos;re running out of time so yeah, hopefully i manage to finish everything by tuesday. Sighhh

iapos;ve been really busy

letapos;s start with thursday.
i did not have class and headed to pj with amy, dyana, and izzat. Then, izzat had an interview so we stayed in the car about an hr plus and played cho tai tee. Lol.

on friday.
went to class and got my mid term result. I scored 27 out of 30 for my mid term so now my carry marks is 35/40. alhamdulillah. photography class was okay. We managed to use the studio to take pictures. After class, headed to darus. Later at night, i decided to sleep early since i have to wake up early the next day. I couldnt sleep and i complained to ind about it. He told me that heapos;s coming back on saturday and i was so excited and i managed to sleep. Heee

on saturday.
woke up early, i think it was around 7. Was supposed to wake pandu up but i forgot. Tried to call amy and of course, she didnt pick it up. Reached college at 8 am and tried calling amy over and over again still tak jawab luckily jeffy made it in time. He was about to kena tinggal. Lol. This one guy, who was actually crossing the road rushing to get on the bus kena tinggal okay ? pfft sumpah kesian. Left segi around 8.45 am and made a stop at the seremban RR. Had breakfast and yadaa yadaa, reached pd around 10.45. It was raining and i kept singing, "i can see can see clearly now, the rain is gone, itrsquo;s gonna be a bright, sun-shiny day." 15 mins after that, dah tak hujan and it was so bright and hot lol. Lingered around the beach, snapped pictures, kacau orang. Amy and izzat later came. Luckily they came okay? ahaha. Theeen, had lunch and spent abt an hr playing tai tee. Lol. I wanted to mandi laut but then i did not bring extra clothes, wanted to sunbathing but theeeen nanti pelik because i was wearing sleeveless and shorts so mcm, thatapos;s a no no. Snapped more pictures and i was dead bored wanted to play jet-ski, of course i dont have money so i sunbathed hahaha. My skin color is so not even it was freaking hot okay. I sunbathed two times. Haha. Okay, im too lazy to elaborate more. Bus left at 3 pm sharp and i went back with amy and izzat. Amy wanted this guy to sketch her face and i was so gatal tangan, asked them to sketch my face as well but i only wanted to pay rm 10 and the result was not really satisfying. I looked fat hahaha. Left pd around 3.30 pm, took the wrong way and we ended up using the old road. Memang bapak jauh. Reached klang, dropped izzat off and headed to amyapos;s place to get some stuff. Then ind called, asked me if i wanted to go to nabiyaapos;s house and we agreed. After amyapos;s place, headed to nabiyaapos;s place with amy to eat. Hihi. Ind was sick, sian dia. =( left nabiyaapos;s place around 10.30 pm and headed home. Amy slept over. Theeeeen ind called me and said he started vomitting and demam panas and all. I was dead worried. Reached home, started to do our assignments because amyapos;s computer crashed and she forgot to put it in her thumbdrive so byebye assignment, she had to redo it. We planned not to sleep since the next day we have to be in pj at 6.30 am but we ended up sleeping anyway. Slept at 3.30 am and woke up at 6 am, oopsie haha. I kept snoozing my alarm and my oh my, susah gila nak kejutkan amy. =P

went to pick sham up and reached pj at 7.30 am. Was so surprised to see quite a number of people participated. Lol. And we started walking around 8 am i think. We had to walk 4.5 km okay and we did it the three of us did it without stopping lol. Im proud of myself and im proud of them, especially amy hahaha. The whole walk ended around 9 am and lingered around. Took pictures and yadaa yadaa. Headed back to subang and then the traffic at federal highway was massive. Rupanya, lori sampah terbalik. Kesian gila okay ? i mean like, i pity that pak cik so muchhhhhhhh we actually got out of the car and went to the tempat accident and snapped pictures. That pak cik looked so traumatized. Nothing happened to him though but then he was in trauma. So amy asked him if he was okay but i dont think he could hear us or maybe he was just TOO TRAUMATIZED. Kesian gila okaaay. =( went to darus for breakfast and got back home and pengsaaaaaan till 3 pm. Lol. Woke up, had lunch with amy and amy left awhile ago. Indapos;s condition was getting worst. I was so freaking worried and i suspected denggi so i asked him to go and see the doctor. The doctor said it was viral infection. Hmm. Get well soon sayang. :(

okay, got to run. I need to redo my assignment as well. Bah


basado en hechos reales, basado en enfoque procesos, basado en, basado casos en razonamiento.

суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

druck papier

So i havenapos;t updated this shit in forever for a while i forgot i even had one

well, i FINALLY moved into school about a month and a half ago after a long, boring as shit summer. I really do love my apartment, and my room, and my roommates are cool. 2 girls that i live with (jess and kristie) are in a sorority, the "coolest" one on campus, or the craziest. Kristie is the BEST person ever. She randomly drove me, mike, his roommate joe, and jess into nyc a few weekends ago at like 2:30 in the morning where we saw mad drunk people, almost got killed by cabs, and also saw trannys. Jess is nice, but her voice really annoys me and she comes off mad elitist because she takes the stairs instead of taking the elevator to the 5th floor and is a vegetarian. So gay. Her and my official roommate talya are obsessed with each other because they both eat organic food. So gay, but theyapos;re all really nice and i canapos;t really complain about any of them.

school really has been ridiculous this year...so much shit happened. I almost broke up with mike to make out with this really really hot kid that i had a crush on since LAST FALL but then i came to my senses and realized that mike is the best and that i would be making a mistake to dump him for an asshole so i decided against it. We used to have huge parties every other night but that stopped once talya broke up with her scumbag, alcoholic boyfriend, so now every night has been really relaxing which is awesome, with an occasional party here and there.

my classes are pretty cool, except for industrial/organizational psych which is so boring, i got a 78 on the first exam but iapos;ll bring that shit up. Social psych is a cool class, i miraculously got a 92 on the first exam even though i studied the wrong chapter for one section of the test and had to guess every answer, and i really love forensic psych, and my teacher because heapos;s mad hot. I got a b+ on the first exam which was really hard so i feel like all my time spent studying is really paying off.

my job is a joke, i work in the computer lab every wednesday 10am-12pm with ghetto chicks who crack me up, friday from 4pm-8pm and saturday from 12pm-5pm. The weekends are the best because NO ONE comes into the lab, but on wednesdays theyapos;re crazy. Iapos;m definitely not working saturdays next semester though cause i miss sleeping in and doing jack shit. At first they were mad gay with paying me for my hours and i only got a check for 6 hours, but yesterday they paid me for all the hours i didnapos;t get paid for at first and it was about $300 i forgot how awesome it was to get a paycheck, iapos;ll probably never see one like that ever again but oh well. Iapos;m starting to save now and i already have almost 400 in the bank, which is a lot considering i always used to have under 100 cause i sucked at saving.

on a sad note...my dog got really sick since iapos;ve been away from home. My parents spent thousands on vet appointments and they recently found out that she has lymphoma :( she doesnapos;t even look sick though, you would never tell. Sheapos;s just really lethargic and somewhat skinnier and doesnapos;t really fight my dad anymore with doing things she hates. Every night when he comes home from work he takes her for an aimless car ride and she sticks her head out the window and everything, heapos;s really torn up about it. My whole family is. I feel bad for my sister because she recently just got engaged and it sucks because itapos;s hard to be happy for her when the best dog ever has 6 months to live :( whatever i hope she lives longer than that, i canapos;t imagine not having bailey around, sheapos;s the best dog in the whole world. I definitely was not prepared for this.

that is my life as of right now bye.

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chinatown busses

Itapos;s been a few days since Iapos;ve been online and yes, I am blogging from Changi General Hospital.

I just want to say a big thanks you to all those who have messaged me, spoke to me, prayed for me and stood by me as I tackle this niggling injury. As those already visited would have known, I have been through some really dark and rough times and I am glad to say itapos;s behind me already.

There are positives to take out of this stay here in hospital although itapos;s really not the ideal destination to be when school is reopening next week.

Firstly, I repaired a few relationships that I have neglected over the past few months / years. There are a few people whom I really didnapos;t had a heart to heart talk over the few years and this time it made me realise just how far apart I grown with some of my family members. So, now that I have been hospitalised and all, I reconnected with a few relatives over the days. And itapos;s especially so with Nick, because although we bump into each other here and there, we donapos;t really talk in depth and thatapos;s sad because we used to be best buddies in primary school.

Secondly, staying here makes you appreciate life. Looking around me, I am by far the youngest and healthiest person around. Watching the 2 old men opposite me suffer with breathing and eating difficulties, it really made me feel that I have really taken for granted the basic functions of human life. It makes you pity them, feel for them and really just wish that somehow they wouldnapos;t suffer.

Thirdly, for the wonderful friends that have sent messages of hope, courage and encouragement. I must admit, there were a number of messages that made me tear because it really touched me. No matter what you guys messaged, I appreciate it big time.

Lastly, I think itapos;s time I went back and heal my relationship with God. Itapos;s now. Not later, not tomorrow but now. Nick said that Man at most desperate times will alwyas turn to God because there is nothing else to turn to already. And heapos;s right. But I ainapos;t going to do it for the wrong reasons.


I cling on to a hope, a dream and much more everynight as I fall asleep. (Actually the correct term is try and fall asleep).

Besides prayers, all I ever wish for is to walk out of CGH unsupported and on two good legs. Health will be the main focus but there is a burning desire left uncompleted. As of now, I am on MPFCapos;s long term injury list. But hell no am I calling time on a short career with them. Neither am I giving up the dream to captain Temasek Polyapos;s Law course in the competition Miss Yu was talking about. That will be a most perfect swansong to Poly life and the dark times that I have fought.

I am dreaming again. But while dreams may seem distant, there is a chance it will come true as long as you have a little faith in God and yourself. Right now, walking may seem to be a dream too wild. But I know that one year on, I will be dreaming of walking the team out and fighting for glory on the field again.

Itapos;s exciting and thrilling for such a dream and I am ready to live it when I am healed. I can picture myself scoring the goal and then falling to the floor, sobbing in tears as I finally made a dream come true. As I sob, I know that itapos;s Godapos;s gift to me to use that legs again. And even if I donapos;t score, I will give thanks at the end of the match for just being able to appear in a team again. The days of playing football will be emotionally charged, so I wonapos;t gurantee any reactions Thatapos;s what comforts me at night when I have problems falling sleep.

The thought of being the tenacious striker or centre back everyone knew before I got injured.

And right now, all I got to do is one very simple thing.

Have a little faith.

I will live that dream. No, itapos;s not a dream. Itapos;s an obsession, a lustful desire and a beautiful yearning.

Something worth dying for, personally.

I will see you guys soon, hopefully.

To Law classmates, I will miss you guys for first week of school, so just stay as noisy as you can until I resume normal service.

To the BOH (Bros-Over-Holes) at MPFC, see you guys soon because I will really badly miss the EPL�watching tonight with you nuts.

To the old classmates, see you guys soon outside of CGH and in better spirits and places of dining.

Lastly, to the family I will see you guys real soon when I am well.

Just pray for me, guys.

Well, I guess thatapos;s Part 1 of the hospital life that I have been experiencing.
chinatown busses, chinatown busses to philadelphia, chinatown ca, chinatown cafe.

пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

famous barr weddings

I found about 40 entries of my old ujournal today. Wow....

Iapos;m pretty sure I was stark raving mad. And depressed.

I think Iapos;m going to post-date the entries into this livejournal. Just so I know I�have at least a few memories of the past.

I will probably not make most of them public...since theyapos;re convoluted and negative. But, there are some that are harmless, and/or worth a read.

Itapos;s good to have a few puzzle pieces back. So many are gone for good.
famous barr weddings, famous barr.com, famous barrel racer, famous barrel racers.

army jeep toy

Spent thursday in my chair and in my bed. At 7 pm I wrapped my broken foot in an old gauze and willed myself to the food store where I put half a kg of cheese and a chunk of ecological meat in my bag and left. Itapos;s time for this woman to start contributing to the household if you know what I mean. Laid in bed listening to "Without You" by Harry Nilsson which is double up on terrible sad since I donapos;t even love anyone that way.
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deoch n dorus

Blecch. The smell of bleach. Thereapos;s a reason that "bleach" is only one letter away from "blecch."

anyway, iapos;m gonna be skipping town soon to go hide out on the eastern seaboard with my mom and some old friends from the long long ago. Itapos;s this new form of escapism iapos;ve concocted that doesnapos;t involve psychoactive drugs.

to be honest, iapos;m getting a little burnt out with my portland life. Okay, really burnt out. Okay, like REALLY fucking burnt out to the point that i frequently consider just smashing my phone, going somewhere that no one will find me, dosing myself with large amounts of opiates and/or benzodiazepenes and leaving myself for dead. Okay, maybe thatapos;s a little melodramatic, but you get the picture.

thatapos;s not to say i want to permanently abandon everything. I definitely want to stick around for the long-term to continue mentoring the kids at the youth group i work with and see about getting that paid internship, move forward in my budding career as a performer, and try to make my living situation / relationship with my lover work. Iapos;m hoping i come back from this long break refreshed and ready to take it all on.

but goddamn. Will i enjoy that break.

not leaving till after halloween though.



drome sounds, deoch n dorus, deochand, deochanna, deocheate.